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True or False?

"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."
-William Blake

This quote by William Blake caught my eye immediately. The truth just jumps off the screen and makes sense simply without needing to dig deeper into thought. A friend ship is something that takes time to build, and along with that you build trust and a bond that is very hard to break. In the English language friend ship is known as a noun and described as a distinctively personal relationship that is grounded in a concern on the part of each friend for the welfare of the other, for the other's sake, and that involves some degree of intimacy. Now an enemy being the opposite does not carry that relationship between the two people. An enemy is one that is antagonistic to another; or one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent. If your enemy were to betray you in any way you’re bound to get over it because you expect it to happen, so you can't be as hurt or betrayed by someone you do not care for compared to your friend. If your friend were to betray you, it would hurt so much more than your enemy. You look to your friend for advice and think of them as someone that will stand up for you not bring you down. It is harder to forgive a friend because you do not expect to be hurt by someone that you love. It takes longer to emend that friendship after what they have done because of the betrayal you feel from that other person. An enemy is easy to come by, it takes only the bit of strength to develop a small amount of hatred towards another person; regardless of what it is they are easier to come by. A great friend is hard to come by though; it takes a lot to develop a close friendship with another person and that bond is hard to break when made. No matter what the circumstance is though it is hard to forgive anyone, but regardless of how hard it is to forgive and forget it is even harder to forgive something someone you love. That is what I think William Blake meant by this quote.

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