
Hey there! Welcome to our blog. We hope it helps you to better understand some of the poems and art by William Blake in a fun, creative way. Enjoy and feel free to comment!


Wordzworth4eva: creative and thoughtful

As I was looking through the many blogs of my fellow classmates, the one that stuck out to me the most is definitely the wordzworth4eva blog created by Alyck, Presley and Keyla. Every post on their blog is creative and very well thought out. I particularly liked Keyla’s description/interpretation of the poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Child”. I really like the way she describes the daffodils and their characteristics to be human-like, and the way she imagines how nature connects us all. I got much more out of the poem after reading Keyla's interpretation on it and overall I think she reached a much deeper understanding about the poem than I would have. The way that they have added pictures to each post also really adds a lot to the visual appeal of their blog, and I like how clean looking their blog is as a whole because it helps the reader really concentrate on the material without a lot of distractions. Another aspect of their blog that I really enjoyed would be Alyck’s reading response and the views of Darwin vs. Wordsworth. The opinions of Darwin were strictly scientific and based on evolution, while Wordsworth took the religious stance of creationism in his literary works. The argument between the two is science vs. faith, and opinions on the topic vary based upon ethics. The example given about the Jehovah’s Witness belief on blood transfusions really helps to solidify Alyck’s response to the article.

I would recommend the Wordsworth blog to others because it really presents a whole new point of view on the poetry of William Wordsworth as well as other important people of the era. The thing I like most about the blog is it’s ability to entertain as well as inform the reader, like the “cliffnotes version” of Wordsworth life written by Alyck. It’s a new way to make the reader actually want to learn about Wordsworth and his impact on society, while at the same time not being the type of reading material that makes me yawn and gives me the urge to bust out some highly caffeinated coffee.

The Wordzworth4eva blog page is worth taking a look at.

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